

Miss Burlesque International is produced by Cassandra Jane

Miss Burlesque Australia Title Holders:

The title of Miss Burlesque 2013 will be awarded to the best overall performer across a range of activities including Traditional, Neo and Unique interpretations of Burlesque. We are also looking for a winner who will actively use her Title to promote the community of Burlesque Internationally. Personality, performance, skill and presentation all form key parts of winning the competition.

This blog is run by Viviane Mae

Friday, March 8, 2013

Amannda Love

Amannda Love is like a Broadway Musical where the performers haven't rehearsed. You know it's going to be fun, but you never quite know what to expect. After performing in such events as Bertie Page's Smoking Joynt, BB le Buff's CaBBaret, and even performing alongside some of Brisbane's biggest and best performers at Lena Marlene's RaGTaG Revue shows, Amannda Love is ready to step away from stage managing, and back into the stage lights. Whether dancing with ankles bound as a human mermaid, or channelling the spirit of Peter Allen, Amannda Love is certainly a one of a kind.

What made you want to enter Mr Boylesque 2013?
 I was talking to a few friends about if I should compete or not, and one of them looked me right in the eye and asked me "what would you regret more. Competing, or not giving it a go". As soon as they said that, I knew straight away that I would have to compete, or continually regret it, and forever curse myself over what might have been if I had entered.
Would you consider your strength to be Classic, Neo or Unique?
I would say, as a boy competing, my strongest suit is unique, just because I have the freedom to be able to show an audience what I can do, and what I am capable of.
Do you have a signature move?
I would have to say, my signature move (or what I am most known for) is my facial expressions when I sing along to the music. I get caught up in the moment, and have the most amazing collection of facial expressions that I'm unaware I'm doing.
Catch Amannda Love at the QLD Heat!

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