

Miss Burlesque International is produced by Cassandra Jane

Miss Burlesque Australia Title Holders:

The title of Miss Burlesque 2013 will be awarded to the best overall performer across a range of activities including Traditional, Neo and Unique interpretations of Burlesque. We are also looking for a winner who will actively use her Title to promote the community of Burlesque Internationally. Personality, performance, skill and presentation all form key parts of winning the competition.

This blog is run by Viviane Mae

Saturday, March 9, 2013

What will the judges be looking for?

All guidelines for the competition are devised to create an event where theatrical talent, intelligence and respect are of higher value in the art of ”being sexy” than monetary or superficial attributes . These guidelines encourage artistic integrity while creating a system of measure in choosing a winner.
Elegant Gown Parade:
How does the finalist present herself? Does she present as a Hollywood movie star walking the red carpet? Has she successfully brought back old time Hollywood glamour? Is she full of Confidence? Warmth? Personality?
  • Traditional Burlesque (Golden Age 1920 – 1960): Routine must run for a minimum of 2 mins and a maximum of 4 mins.
  • Routine, costume, music and all styling must fit within the Burlesque Golden Age of 1920's – 1960's. Music from outside of this period will not be accepted. This includes modern day “remixes” of music from this age.
  • Judges will be looking at the quality of costuming and styling, so it is encouraged to invest not only in your choreography but also in the physical appearance of the show. Stylization is important but not necessarily expense.
    The routine must include the 4 cornerstone moves of this period:
      The Bump
      The Grind
      The Shimmy and
      The Burlesque Walk.
  • Contestants are advised to research these moves, as the Judges will be specifically looking for the moves in the routine. (of course further choreo is an added value)
  • Tassle Twirling and Fan Dancing is permitted in the Traditional show.
  • Carry on props ARE permitted ( fans, boas, scarf ), but NO MAJOR PROPS or set up what so ever. NO MESS- there is to be no mess what so ever in the routine, if a clean up is conducted the entrant will have 20 points removed from their over all score.
  • Times: Routine must run for a minimum of 3 mins and maximum of 4 mins.
  • Routine, costume, music and all styling must fit within the period of late 1960?s to current day. “Remixes” of Traditional Music is permitted, if remixed after 1960.
  • You may incorporate gimmicks and skills into this piece (ie hula hoops, contortion, en pointe etc) Carry on props ARE permitted, but NO MAJOR PROPS or SET UP. NO MESS - there is to be no mess what so ever in the routine, if a clean up is conducted the entrant will have 20 points removed from their over all score.
  • Back up dancers/human props are permitted in this section.
  • Times: Routine must run for a minimum of 4 mins and a maximum of 5 mins.
  • There are no rules in regards to costuming, music and styling.
  • Major props are permitted but must not take any more than 2 mins to set up or remove. Each minute over this set up time will be penalised with a point taken off the contestant’s final score.
  • Weighted stages and aerial rigging are permitted for this show. It’s up to the contestant to cover the cost of setting up, rigging and must be prepared prior to the event to allow for quick set up for the stage.
  • Xpole’s are not permitted in this competition at all.
  • Please ensure costume and styling are separate looks for each show.
  • All show music needs to be labeled with your stage name and section, then emailed to us no less than two weeks before the competition and needs to be approved on your original application. This is in place so that no two artists compete with the same music. We are also uploading online docs so that artists can check-in their music choice. It may be a matter of first in best dressed. You will be given lots of notice if double-ups on music or themes happen so that you can to decide what you want to do. This will also apply for the national final and you will be notified if any interstate winners contain the same song or song’s. If this happens we will inform you asap and we can all decide on what is going to happen.
  • Each winner will hold the title until the following year where they are required to perform and hand the title over to the next winner. If they can’t do any of their Miss Burlesque duties the runner up will replace them.
  • Miss Burlesque International does not condone nor believe in depicting violence against women as entertainment. Whilst we support a performers freedom to choose their own acts, due to the sensitive nature of some subject matters, the decision has been made that all performers will now include a mandatory description of their acts in the application form being submitted. MBI does not wish to diminish the artistic vision of any of its performers and they are entitled to perform in anyway they wish within the rules; however, if the content or presentation of any act does not fit new guidelines, the performance will NOT be made available to be viewed on the internet within the MBI domains. This way MBI can review descriptions of all acts in advance; issue warnings of rule breaches where required and inform the finalist that video of their performance will not be uploaded.

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