

Miss Burlesque International is produced by Cassandra Jane

Miss Burlesque Australia Title Holders:

The title of Miss Burlesque 2013 will be awarded to the best overall performer across a range of activities including Traditional, Neo and Unique interpretations of Burlesque. We are also looking for a winner who will actively use her Title to promote the community of Burlesque Internationally. Personality, performance, skill and presentation all form key parts of winning the competition.

This blog is run by Viviane Mae

Monday, March 18, 2013

Ginger Leah Rye

Once upon a time, Ginger Leah Rye was a skater dreaming of glory on the ice, but she yearned for something more. Sure; she loved the spandex, the glamour, the giddy highs and lows of high velocity exhibitionism, but the sport lacked a certain je ne sais quoi.
It was only when this disciple of old‐school Hollywood grace and ‘virtue’ uncovered the world of burlesque that she never looked back. Since 2009 Ginger Leah Rye has been uncovering ways to take audiences to the edges of her imagination, teasing crowds with her killer curves and her sultry smile. Revealing an array of wickedly tantalizing shows, Ginger Leah Rye offers mystery, old‐world glamour and titillation.
So, what bought you to enter MBA this year?
Having been part of the MBA Victorian heat back in 2010 as someone who was still very fresh to burlesque I wanted to come back again to challenge myself as a performer with a bit more experience under my belt. It's also a great opportunity to met a few more burly girls and lads from other parts of the country, having the common thread of the competition has meant we are naturally drawn to each other both in friendship and industry support.
Do you feel you are stronger in Classic, Neo or Unique?
My Unique is definitely my strongest piece as it is a act I develop prior to entering the comp so I have used the lead up time to the really refine and perfect the act.
and What do you consider your signature move?
That's a tough one...well I guess it would have to be my arched lean, audiences always seem to a bit of the thrill out of it! after-all it does show off two of my best assets!
Be captivated by the Lovely Ginger at the Gold Coast Heats THIS SATURDAY!

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