

Miss Burlesque International is produced by Cassandra Jane

Miss Burlesque Australia Title Holders:

The title of Miss Burlesque 2013 will be awarded to the best overall performer across a range of activities including Traditional, Neo and Unique interpretations of Burlesque. We are also looking for a winner who will actively use her Title to promote the community of Burlesque Internationally. Personality, performance, skill and presentation all form key parts of winning the competition.

This blog is run by Viviane Mae

Sunday, March 24, 2013

QLD Heat!!!

Close up of Jag Ete's backstage shrine. Close up's of Bella de Jac's costumes. Viviane Mae being an Easter Playboy Bunny.

Runner up Coppelia Jane as Khaleesi.

Runner Up The Diamond Dahlia swinging her boa.

Mr Boylesque QLD 2013 Bubbles!!!

Our winner Bella de Jac!!!

We are also very excited to announce that as well as representing our state in the Miss Burlesque Australia Finals in Melbourne, Bella has also been accepted into the Burlesque Hall of Fame Best Debut Competition!!!

Alyssa Kitt, The Diamond Dahlia, Bella de Jac, Coppelia Jane and Bubbles

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Gold Coast MBA Heat results!!!

Picking the Runlist for the night.

Obligatory backstage last minute swarovskiis on a g string.

Our Judges for the night were Lola the Vamp, Alyssa Kitt, Lila Luxx headmistress of Bombshells Burlesque and Beauty Academy, B B Le Buff who also runs a Performance Art school, and Lena Marlene, head of Lady Marlene's School of Arts.

Our Master of Ceremonies on the night was the hilarious Rita Fontaine, who really made the show.

And the 2nd Runner up was Eva Vivacia, 1st Runner up was Ginger Leah Rye and the Winner of Miss Burlesque Gold Coast is The Strawberry Siren!

All performances were filmed and will be available on your YouTube Channel shortly.

Now onto the Brisbane Heat!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's On.

The Victorian Miss Burlesque Heats are on tonight... Good luck to all of the Performers!

Did you know that we run a YouTube channel? Go subscribe to see all past performances in all heats.

Here is NSW Competitor Frankie Faux in her Unique Act

Tomorrow is the Gold Coast Heat at the Gold Coast Arts Centre...

Follow my Instagram at VivianeMae for live backstage pics.

Also follow #GCMBA on Twitter for all the goss!!!

Sunday night is the Brisbane Heat at the Old Museum...

Follow #QLDMBA on Twitter for that.

See you on the other side...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Ginger Leah Rye

Once upon a time, Ginger Leah Rye was a skater dreaming of glory on the ice, but she yearned for something more. Sure; she loved the spandex, the glamour, the giddy highs and lows of high velocity exhibitionism, but the sport lacked a certain je ne sais quoi.
It was only when this disciple of old‐school Hollywood grace and ‘virtue’ uncovered the world of burlesque that she never looked back. Since 2009 Ginger Leah Rye has been uncovering ways to take audiences to the edges of her imagination, teasing crowds with her killer curves and her sultry smile. Revealing an array of wickedly tantalizing shows, Ginger Leah Rye offers mystery, old‐world glamour and titillation.
So, what bought you to enter MBA this year?
Having been part of the MBA Victorian heat back in 2010 as someone who was still very fresh to burlesque I wanted to come back again to challenge myself as a performer with a bit more experience under my belt. It's also a great opportunity to met a few more burly girls and lads from other parts of the country, having the common thread of the competition has meant we are naturally drawn to each other both in friendship and industry support.
Do you feel you are stronger in Classic, Neo or Unique?
My Unique is definitely my strongest piece as it is a act I develop prior to entering the comp so I have used the lead up time to the really refine and perfect the act.
and What do you consider your signature move?
That's a tough one...well I guess it would have to be my arched lean, audiences always seem to a bit of the thrill out of it! after-all it does show off two of my best assets!
Be captivated by the Lovely Ginger at the Gold Coast Heats THIS SATURDAY!

Boston Ladders

Not your typical burlesque performer, Boston Ladders sure knows how to simultaneously tickle your funny bone and your fancy! Reveling in all things strange and unusual, she challenges the notions laid down by classic burlesque with her killer concepts and kick ass costume designs that rarely fall into the category of ‘conventional sexiness’.
Having been gifted with both an overactive imagination and an absolute lack of shame, she can be a recovering hospital patient, a slobbish janitor, a maniacal super villain, or a hungover mess but dammit if she’s not completely irresistible while she’s doing it!
A last minute decision on a complete whim! I have been putting off entering for a couple of years now fearing that I would simply be too amateur for a competition of this caliber. But I finally figured what better way to force me to evolve my craft than by entering the biggest professional burlesque competition we have in Australia?
Definitely ‘unique’ – allows me to really showcase my comedic side which would have to be my strongest suite. I absolutely love to make the audience laugh and have oh so much fun putting together ridiculous costumes and practicing hideous expressions. Having said that, it has been a brilliant experience having to explore other styles & themes. I now feel far more comfortable performing more sultry, serious numbers and am ever so pleased to have a greater variety in my repertoire.
The dead-pan thrust. Simultaneously alluring & disturbing.
Feel the Thrust of the Gold Coast Heats THIS SATURDAY!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jag Ete

Jag Ete burst onto the local Brisbane Burlesque circuit in 2012 with an unbridled passion for bringing originality, excitement and creativity to her performances. As an established visual artist Jag Ete meticulously develops her routines to create visually stunning and elaborate costumes and concepts to embody the artful erotique while paying homage to the rich and wonderful history of burlesque. Jag Ete has appeared at local events such as; The Bombshell's Ball (Metro Arts) Diabolique (BarSoma) and Lost Movements (Coniston Lane) plus many more. Jag Ete has also featured modelled the Dr Sketchy's Brisbane and Woodford folk festival. As an emerging performance artist Jag Ete endeavours to make a very glittery and spectacular impact on contemporary burlesque culture.
Also what bought you to enter MBA this year?
I am very excited to take part in Miss Burlesque as I view the competition as an ideal platform to showcase what I've been working on for the past year. I'm really looking forward to meeting lots of new performers and showing my work on a big stage!.
Do you feel you are stronger in Classic, Neo or Unique?
Generally I am stronger in Unique as I love thinking up creative and original ideas and pushing the boundaries. However this year I am particularly excited about my Classic routine; It has a sneaky surprise and it is a lot of fun to perform. 
What do you consider your signature move?
Well my best feature are my lovely long legs and certainly put them to work !
Jag Ete is a personal friend of mine, and I must say, she is one talented lady. Come see her THIS SUNDAY!

Kimmi Doll

A delicious mix of saucy minx and cheesecake cutie pie! Miss Kimmi Doll aspires to embody the sensuality, confidence and glamour that is the art of the tease. She has been an enthusiastic member of Brisbane's Burlesque community performing at various events such as RagTag Revue and Lady Marlene's @ Loft and won Audience Darling at the 2011 Fringe Bar Cabaret/Burlesque Competition. Recently Kimmi won her heat in the Lonestar Tavern's Showgirl Burlesque Competition. She is also part of the team bringing burlesque in a 1950s inspired cabaret as part of the Anywhere Theatre Festival this May titled Burlesque Bordello. Her flirtatious and cheeky persona inspire her routines and she loves to make her audience blush with delight...

What brought you to enter MBA this year?
I was hooked on Burlesque after my first class and watched the first MBA QLD Heat and got seduced by it all. These banging women of all ages, shapes and backgrounds performing these creative, enticing and sexy acts...the next year I got to be a Stage Kitty and got a fabulous backstage pass. So when I was asked by friends and fellow competitors if I was going to enter 2013 I figured I'd bite the bullet and give it my best! I'm excited to showcase what creativity and fun I can bring to the competition! It's been a fantastic learning experience already and I can't wait to perform and just have fun.

Do you feel you are stronger in Classic, Neo or Unique?
I enjoy performing them all! I love the nostalgia and glamour of Classic and the creativity and diversity of Neo....Unique is awesome because you can cut loose on the rules and burlesque anyway you like!

What do you consider your signature move?
Ohh I love a shimmy and a saucy grind! 

Kimmi Doll will be sauntering on stage in the Gold Coast Heats THIS SATURDAY!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

What will the judges be looking for?

All guidelines for the competition are devised to create an event where theatrical talent, intelligence and respect are of higher value in the art of ”being sexy” than monetary or superficial attributes . These guidelines encourage artistic integrity while creating a system of measure in choosing a winner.
Elegant Gown Parade:
How does the finalist present herself? Does she present as a Hollywood movie star walking the red carpet? Has she successfully brought back old time Hollywood glamour? Is she full of Confidence? Warmth? Personality?
  • Traditional Burlesque (Golden Age 1920 – 1960): Routine must run for a minimum of 2 mins and a maximum of 4 mins.
  • Routine, costume, music and all styling must fit within the Burlesque Golden Age of 1920's – 1960's. Music from outside of this period will not be accepted. This includes modern day “remixes” of music from this age.
  • Judges will be looking at the quality of costuming and styling, so it is encouraged to invest not only in your choreography but also in the physical appearance of the show. Stylization is important but not necessarily expense.
    The routine must include the 4 cornerstone moves of this period:
      The Bump
      The Grind
      The Shimmy and
      The Burlesque Walk.
  • Contestants are advised to research these moves, as the Judges will be specifically looking for the moves in the routine. (of course further choreo is an added value)
  • Tassle Twirling and Fan Dancing is permitted in the Traditional show.
  • Carry on props ARE permitted ( fans, boas, scarf ), but NO MAJOR PROPS or set up what so ever. NO MESS- there is to be no mess what so ever in the routine, if a clean up is conducted the entrant will have 20 points removed from their over all score.
  • Times: Routine must run for a minimum of 3 mins and maximum of 4 mins.
  • Routine, costume, music and all styling must fit within the period of late 1960?s to current day. “Remixes” of Traditional Music is permitted, if remixed after 1960.
  • You may incorporate gimmicks and skills into this piece (ie hula hoops, contortion, en pointe etc) Carry on props ARE permitted, but NO MAJOR PROPS or SET UP. NO MESS - there is to be no mess what so ever in the routine, if a clean up is conducted the entrant will have 20 points removed from their over all score.
  • Back up dancers/human props are permitted in this section.
  • Times: Routine must run for a minimum of 4 mins and a maximum of 5 mins.
  • There are no rules in regards to costuming, music and styling.
  • Major props are permitted but must not take any more than 2 mins to set up or remove. Each minute over this set up time will be penalised with a point taken off the contestant’s final score.
  • Weighted stages and aerial rigging are permitted for this show. It’s up to the contestant to cover the cost of setting up, rigging and must be prepared prior to the event to allow for quick set up for the stage.
  • Xpole’s are not permitted in this competition at all.
  • Please ensure costume and styling are separate looks for each show.
  • All show music needs to be labeled with your stage name and section, then emailed to us no less than two weeks before the competition and needs to be approved on your original application. This is in place so that no two artists compete with the same music. We are also uploading online docs so that artists can check-in their music choice. It may be a matter of first in best dressed. You will be given lots of notice if double-ups on music or themes happen so that you can to decide what you want to do. This will also apply for the national final and you will be notified if any interstate winners contain the same song or song’s. If this happens we will inform you asap and we can all decide on what is going to happen.
  • Each winner will hold the title until the following year where they are required to perform and hand the title over to the next winner. If they can’t do any of their Miss Burlesque duties the runner up will replace them.
  • Miss Burlesque International does not condone nor believe in depicting violence against women as entertainment. Whilst we support a performers freedom to choose their own acts, due to the sensitive nature of some subject matters, the decision has been made that all performers will now include a mandatory description of their acts in the application form being submitted. MBI does not wish to diminish the artistic vision of any of its performers and they are entitled to perform in anyway they wish within the rules; however, if the content or presentation of any act does not fit new guidelines, the performance will NOT be made available to be viewed on the internet within the MBI domains. This way MBI can review descriptions of all acts in advance; issue warnings of rule breaches where required and inform the finalist that video of their performance will not be uploaded.

Harley Honey

Photo by Senorita Lolita Bonita

This is one serious Competition i threw myself into. Harley Honey is my name and I'm bringing out the Kisses, Boogie and Sexy Time. Lining the stage with the most beautiful outstanding performers in Brisbane at Miss Burlesque Queensland.
I promise to remove my corset SLOWLY... and will drop my left BRA strap for you! Tease you with a SMILE you will always remember. Wink!
You may have seen me grace a few Stages, your mums birthday or the local pub. Heck maybe you have never heard of me at all. So let me entertain you. I am the lady posing at the bar with a drink in my hand and the other on my left hip. Come with me and enjoy the Brilliance of Burlesque Brisbane has to offer.
What bought you to enter MBA this year?
I dared to leap...but have I leaped too far?
My close friends whom are also competitors encouraged me to enter this competition. And so, i did. And after learning Burlesque and watching well established performers blossom along the way... I decided to jump in the mix without looking. And here I am!
Do you feel you are stronger in Classic, Neo or Unique?
I am stronger in Unique. I like pulling ideas out and mixing it all up. And i mean in a memorable cocktail. You get it or you don't.
What do you consider your signature move?
I have this goofy grin i cant get rid of thanks to my Polynesian background. It gets bigger when you look at me..but sexier if you stare long enough... Wink!
Be seduced by Harley Honey at the QLD Heat


Miss BB le Buff
The Pantihose Throwdown ~ Madeline Glasseater
Betty Lovecat ~ Becstacy ~ Margerite le Desire
Emerald Joy ~ Veve Velveteen ~ Holly Smoke
Suzie Sapphire ~ La Fileuse

Sneak Peak at the Miss Burlesque Australia QLD & Gold Coast Entrants:
Coppelia Jane ~ Magnolia Knife ~ Vivienne VSassy
Davina Mercy ~ Dolly Cakes ~ Eva Vivacia
Ruby Little ~ Jag Ete ~ Harley Honey
Lillian Lace ~ Kimmi Doll ~ Boston Ladders

**This event is 18+**

Pre-purchase $20 ~ On the Door $25

B E Bannerman
Reference: CaBB YourName
**Your name will be placed on the door list**

Bella de Jac

Australia's Mistress of Tease, Bella de Jac is a elegant whisper from the nihlistic 1930s, insidious, and sensual.
An award-winning, rave-reviewed performer, Bella has worked extensively across the UK, Australia and America. Most recently performing to a sold out crowd at BB King's on 42nd St in New York City. Bella is also a resident performer at Melbourne Burlesque and Cabaret venue Bohemia where she purveys her particular brand of burlesque weekly.
Described as both an exquisite creature and a powerful and captivating performer, Bella's penchant for pushing acceptable social boundaries is cleverly disguised by the grace and glamour of her shows. Bella de Jac is one mistress you won't want to keep a secret...
What made you enter Miss Burlesque 2013?
I have so many wonderful memories from the 2011 competition. I pushed myself very hard to create new shows, met so many amazing girls at my heat, and learnt a lot about promotion and PR. Plus the lead up to the grand final was like being on the most fun school camp ever! After it was all over I decided that although I needed a year off to focus on uni, I wanted to be part of the Miss Burlesque experience again in 2013, so here I am! Plus I'm competing in QLD which means all my family can come and see me perform for the first time since the Burlesque Ball.
Would you feel your strength lies in Classic, Neo or Unique style?
If you'd asked me that 2 years ago I would have said Classic without a doubt. However my style has evolved a great deal in the last year and a half, and although it is still very dance based, the themes and concepts I'm exploring in my new work are definitely not classic in the revivalist sense. I love recreating that true golden age style of performance but it's important as a performer to push boundaries, even if they're only your own.
Do you have a signature move?
Oh dear, I've got no idea! I bet there's a couple of performers I work with that could probably tell you. I do enjoy picking out the person in the audience who keeps looking away and making more eye contact than is necessary. I suppose it's a bit mean, but they certainly don't look away again!
Be captivated by Bella de Jac at the QLD Heat

Friday, March 8, 2013

Magnolia Knife

Magnolia Knife is a Brisbane based burlesque performer with a fetish for darkness, beauty in ugliness and the unique which reveals itself throughout her art of tease. Miss Knife has taught various styles of burlesque at BB le Buff's school of performance including feather fans and neo-burlesque, and has a penchant for choreographing acts with a bit of quirk and a whole lotta flesh! Miss Knife's recent performances include group and solo acts at BB le Buff's bi-monthly Cabbaret, the Dead of Winter festival (2012), and Creepshow Halloween Festival (2012). Magnolia was most recently a finalist in her heat of the Burlesque Showgirl Competition (Gold Coast) and is due to compete in the finalists heat in March 2013! Magnolia is looking forward to unleashing her creative energies as she competes for the first time in the QLD heats of Miss Burlesque Australia in March 2013 at the Old Museum.
What bought me to enter MBA: Since starting burlesque in 2011, it has helped me to release my creative energy and showcase different styles of performance in the one forum (ie dance, singing, comedy). It very quickly became a passion and I felt it would be a great to further develop myself by entering a competition so well known in the industry, and to network with all the delicious babes I would be dancing alongside with!
Strength: I think one of my strengths can be my characterization, which I feel there is more room to play with in neo-burlesque. Having said that, I have a passion for bumps and grinds too which is essential for authentic classic burlesque...
Signature move: I don't think I have a signature move as such, but I definitely like to be original with my themes and recently seem to have a penchant for blood in my routines...
Be blown away by Magnolia Knife at the QLD Heat!


Congratulations to all the contestants of the NSW Heat last night:
1st Kelly Ann Doll
2nd Danica Lee

3rd Frankie Faux

We wish a very Good Luck to all contestants competing in South Australia and Western Australia!

SA Heat is produced by Silla Black

Johnny Domino, winner of Mr Boylesque WA 2012

Amannda Love

Amannda Love is like a Broadway Musical where the performers haven't rehearsed. You know it's going to be fun, but you never quite know what to expect. After performing in such events as Bertie Page's Smoking Joynt, BB le Buff's CaBBaret, and even performing alongside some of Brisbane's biggest and best performers at Lena Marlene's RaGTaG Revue shows, Amannda Love is ready to step away from stage managing, and back into the stage lights. Whether dancing with ankles bound as a human mermaid, or channelling the spirit of Peter Allen, Amannda Love is certainly a one of a kind.

What made you want to enter Mr Boylesque 2013?
 I was talking to a few friends about if I should compete or not, and one of them looked me right in the eye and asked me "what would you regret more. Competing, or not giving it a go". As soon as they said that, I knew straight away that I would have to compete, or continually regret it, and forever curse myself over what might have been if I had entered.
Would you consider your strength to be Classic, Neo or Unique?
I would say, as a boy competing, my strongest suit is unique, just because I have the freedom to be able to show an audience what I can do, and what I am capable of.
Do you have a signature move?
I would have to say, my signature move (or what I am most known for) is my facial expressions when I sing along to the music. I get caught up in the moment, and have the most amazing collection of facial expressions that I'm unaware I'm doing.
Catch Amannda Love at the QLD Heat!

Lottie Allure

With dreams of Paris, an admiration for bygone eras and a fixation for lingerie since a concerning young age; Lottie Allure fled her country town to emerge into the compelling world of burlesque. Having professionally trained in many styles of dance and theatre, Miss Allure found her finesse when her mother introduced her to two films that nowadays are her biggest inspiration; Cabaret and Gypsy.
Known for her never ending legs and graceful stage presence, Lottie Allure has been a stage kitten in Miss Burlesque Gold Coast for the past two years… Now it’s her turn to be picked up after!
Why I entered MBA this year?
I had always wanted too but I didn't think I was good enough or 'known' enough to be a competitor. When I was asked if I was entering the 2013 heat, I thought why not use Miss Burlesque Australia as an opportunity to be exposed; to show Queensland what kind of burlesque performer I can and will be.
Do you feel you are stronger in Classic, Neo or Unique?
Being a newbie, I can't answer that yet. I haven't performed much as a soloist in the burlesque scene. I am thankful for Lady Marlene's School of Arts who has introduced me to all the different styles of burlesque but I think I love the idea of Classic the most. I admire everything it encompasses so I'm hoping that after MBA, I can say that Classic is my strength.
What do you consider your signature move?
Definitely my showgirl kicks. I'd feel lost without almost kicking myself in the face!
You can see Lottle Allure at the Gold Coast Heat

Miss Burlesque NSW Heat tonight!!!


come fill some seats!

Judged by:
Toby is a former American Cheerleader and Australian Sports Acrobatic Champion, now specialising in Men's Pole Performance in Dui Trapeze/Pole (with his partner Suzie Q) Together they are part of the resident 'El Circo' team at Slide, they were semi-finalists on the 2012 season of Australia's Got Talent and will be representing Australia later this year in the Open Paris Division of the International Pole Championship in Singapore.

She is an Imperial European Showgirl, Aerialist and Exotic Performance Artist who for the past twenty years has swanned, swished, stamped and steamed the stage boards of illustrious night clubs the world over, as the like of the Moulin Rouge (Paris) Raymond Revue Bar and Windmill (London) Nagashaki Music Hall (Tokyo) and most infamously at the Casa Rosa (Amsterdam)
Locally, Miss Mortal was a founding member of Sydneys subversive burlesque performance art troupe; the Butchered Babies in the late eighties. She has also worked live and in fil with the likes of rock legends Nick Cave, The Prodigy, The Saints and Mental as Anything.
Mia Mortal was also selected as one of the Star Performers at the 25th anniversary at the Sydney Opera House, executing a masterful aerial glide over its shells to a spellbound crowd. 
Since 1999 she has partnered with Jimmy Vargas, the duo also having produced their own risque shows together. 'Grindhouse' and 'Vaudevil' in 2006-2011. Miss Mia has also appeared as Vargas' muse icon in their multimedia DVDs Sin and Cancan Hell Mambo. At present they and their JVQ trio work at local venues such as Blubeat, Victoria Room and Bordello theatre and Internationally on the US West Coast.

Glamour. Class Elegance.
These word are synonomous with Miss Burlesque Australia 2012 Briana Bluebell. Invited to perform at the Burlesque Hall of Fame in Las Vegas in May 2012, Briana is a well known performer in the industry nationally and internationally. Her shows are of epic proportion with all aspects covered down to the tiniest sequinned detail! Briana's experience is far reaching from a professional dancing career to her most recent projects in her own fashion, costume and millinery label 'Ms Bluebell' Passionate about Burlesque and with a keen eye for detail Briana loves to contribute to young potential performers to help them develop and grow by working one on one with them. Look out for Briana's Next show soon to be launched 'Black and Gold Cabaret'

Croonoir- composer with Hollywood Jazz noir combo the BLACK DAHLIAS.
The Band was formed by VARGAS in 1993 in San Francisco, and have released seven albums.
In 2012, JIMMY VARGAS signed with Hollywood label DIONYSUS records, and OCEAN PARK music for TV / Soundtrack music representation.
VARGAS in the past seven years has featured as a writer for American pinup /burlesque magazines "JAVA BACHELOR PAD" and " OLD NICK Magazine".
VARGAS also moonlights as a lecturer and authority on the Golden Age of Hollywood cinema, and has chaired numerous 'CINEMATHEQUE' shows internationally, giving talks on American noir and burlesque films of the forties and fifties.

Suzie Q is a former Miss Nude Australia, Penthouse Pet, award-winning showgirl and pole dancer. Along with her partner Toby J she was a Semi Finalist on the 2012 season Australia's Got Talent and together they are also in the Semi Finals for the International Pole Championship, which will be held in Singapore later this year.

Suzie Q Pole Studio is donating an 8-Week Pole Dance Course and Pole training gear worth $300.

Imogen Kelly is Australia's first lady of striptease. This darling of the demimonde, bon vivant and plaything of millionaires is internationally renowned for her gorgeously defiant take on burlesque. She is a showgirl of 20 years experience and has dazzled on every level of showgirl stardom. This includes everything from Moulin Rouge kick lines, peep shows in Tokyo, Japanese topless weddings, Gypsy circus tours in Europe, Mardi Gras extravaganzas, Edinburgh festival five star show, La Clique veteran and creator of award winning burlesque theatre shows tarnished and The Undressing Room.
With a BFA in Performance (COFA) under her belt and a NIDA degree in directing Imogen embarked on a jet set career as an international show pony. She is also a professional trapeze artist/ aerialist and film maker.
Imogen has toured extensively in the UK, Europe, USA and Japan. She co-founded cult strip club Gurlesque and is a member of Brisbane's La La Parlour (LLP). Imogen has performed in The Sydney Opera House several times in both the grand operas as well as directing or perforing several shows in The Studio (The Studio launch, Sleepless Beauty, Music for The Eyes, Close you Little Eyes). She has four theatre shows to her name including award winning burlesque circus Tarnished (LLP), La La Loco (LLP) and her one woman tour de force The Undressing Room.
Imogen has been keeping a tally of the number of people who have seen her undress and vows that when it reaches one million she will retire. Until such a time she will continue to provide provocative whoopee and set the world ablaze with her outrageous characters.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Miss Burlesque Canada!

The first ever Miss Burlesque Canada will be held Summer 2013, Applications are now open.

Be a part of Miss Burlesque history and showcase your talents in the first ever Miss Burlesque Canada. Applications are open until 31st March 2013. Only 10 contestants will be chosen to compete. Please make sure you have read all the rules and conditions, along with the format on the Miss Burlesque Canada website before you submit your entry. Miss Burlesque Canada will go on to compete in the first ever Miss Burlesque International, held in London, in November 2013.

Miss Burlesque Canada is produced by Chris Mysterion

Lillian Lace

The first performer to roam into the crowd at the Byron Bay branch of the world renowned Dr Sketchy's, Lillian Lace loves to get a reaction! With only a short time in the burlesque scene, Lillian has set out to perform at nearly every imaginable event. From art gallery launches, corporate functions, burlesque events, roller derby, to the library, the cinema, and even a wedding! Described as captivating, exquisite, graceful by photographers and her audience, and with her new title 'RAW Performer of the Year 2012', Lillian Lace plans to take on Miss Burlesque Australia next!

What made you want to enter Miss Burlesque Australia 2013?
I stage kittened at the previous two QLD MBAs and felt after performing burlesque for the past three years, 2013 was really my turn to take to the stage and show everyone what I've got! It's also been a great opportunity to work on my new acts and bring some new ideas to life.

Do you feel your strength lies in Classic, Neo or Unique style?
I believe Neo or Unique, but I know others consider me to have the Classic Showgirl look and style. I am hoping I am strong in all three!

Do you have a signature move?
I'm known for quite a bit of interaction with people in the audience. I love to get in their faces and even start shows in the crowd. I do get a thrill surprising people that the person sitting next to them is the next performer! I do plan on demonstrating my lack of shyness in my Unique act.

See Lillian Lace strut her stuff at the Gold Coast Heat